JNugent wrote:
JNugent wrote:
The largest agricultural employer near me (one of the largest in its
field in the world) busses in workers from Portugal.
So much for supporting the local economy.
Are there enough unemplyed workers in the locality to cover this
seasonal work?
Quite possibly there are within a ten mile radius but not in the
village immediately adjacent.
Would transport-to-work costs mean it wasn't a runner?
I think the rates of pay may be more of an issue and perahps employment rules.
Admittedly the company does employ a very few local people by providing its own
transport in the form of minibuses which pick up a few workers from surrounding
villages. But it is only a handful and is seen as more of a sop to deflect
opposition to their practices than anything else.
Secondly AIUI, it is not seasonal. It is throughout the year.
And the company has also built accommodation for them on the site even
though there is a serious lack of housing in the area (both private
and LA) for others on low incomes.
Ah... got you...
I didn't know this was any form of argument to 'win'; how odd of you.
there are probably fewer (if, indeed, any) issues around
planning permission for that sort of accommodation (which I suspect does not
consist of three-bed semis with garage!)
Possibly not, although there would be issues surrounding its effect on the
local infrastructure.
However the comparison with 3-bed semis with garage is an incorrect one.
You clearly don't know the price of housing around here where even a one-bed
studio is likely to be out of the reach of those on a low income.
So I've got you on that one nyah nyah ;-)
John B