Cross River Tram "top of Boris's list"
bradders wrote:
"Andrew Heenan" wrote in message
"Mizter T" wrote...
Patrick Osborne wrote:
TRAM campaigners have been given fresh hope after the Mayor's top
transport advisor was reported as saying it would be "top of the list"
when they next lobbied for Government funding.
It's so very easy to say "that's top of the list" isn't it -
and it does so please people when you say it...
Now that Crossrail is 'a done deal' (fingers crossed!), Boris would be
a fool NOT to add another high profile project to his shiopping basket
We have to remember that he IS a fool. No idea about public finances,
cancelled CRT, CT expansion, DLR expansion etc
The trams weren't really cancelled, as they were not actually "on" in
the first place. There was no money allocated to build them. What got
cancelled was studies, and however many studies you do you still need
funds to actually build the thing (ask Liverpool, or south Hampshire).
Whoever was mayor would be in the same position (unless he was a
tram-spotting Arab oil sheik or Russian zillionaire, I suppose)
Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK