Another Tube strike announced
In message
Mizter T writes
The current deal (that expired in 2008) was a 3 year deal which was set
at RPI + 0.6% in its final year.
Thanks for correcting me Steve - just goes to show that no-one should
pay any attention to what I say, it's all huff and bluster!
When you say it expired in 2008, does that actually mean in ran up to
the end of the financial year in April '09?
Yes, any new deal will commence from the 2009 financial year.
Any idea where the idea that this upcoming deal should last for 5 years
originated from - i.e. LU or the RMT?
I understand it's one of Boris's things - as close to a no strike deal
as he can realistically get.
Steve Fitzgerald has now left the building.
You will find him in London's Docklands, E16, UK
(please use the reply to address for email)