SouthEastern HS1 Trial Service Finally Announced
On 1 June, 13:18, Roland Perry wrote:
Perhaps they are expecting people to use Ebbsfleet as a P&R for London.
I'd certainly give that try if I lived nearby on the M25. Ashford is a
run-down provincial town (sorry, but that's the reality), and I can't
see why people would want to travel from there to London and back on a
premium service outside commuter hours.
Since - as you point out - Ashford has no amenities of its own, the
only way to have an evening out is to go up to London, and currently
that requires spending the best part of 3 hours on a train for the
round trip.
I can't see who would be stingy enough not to take the premium
(and not forgetting it's the junction station for a large part of