SouthEastern HS1 Trial Service Finally Announced
On Jun 3, 6:50*pm, Standing at HN28 signal
On 2 June, 23:36, wrote:
Reply today from Travel Facilities to my recent enquiry was that the
matter was still subject to negociations and the outcome would be
posted on ATOC site as normal.
I have read on another forum that the only staff (current or retired)
welcome on HS1 will be the ones paying the full non discounted fare.
If this should be the case then any support I had for this venture
will disappear very quickly and I will look forward to its failing!
Welcome to the bitchy world of the railway employee!
Anyway, before all you privileged lot get your knickers in a twist
it's perhaps worth waiting for the official word on this, rather than
just going by some random internet rumour-mongering.
I wonder whether rail staff might basically get everything they
normally get apart from having to pay the undiscounted HS1 premium...
but we shall see what actually transpires in due course.