SouthEastern HS1 Trial Service Finally Announced
On 3 jun, 23:22, Roland Perry wrote:
In message
, at
14:11:31 on Wed, 3 Jun 2009, remarked:
I can confirm that there is no free or reduced rate travel for rail
staff (including those with Britrail Flexi-passes)
Since when were Britrail passes either "free" or "reduced rate"?
Do they accept an all-lines rover?
Roland Perry
One has to wonder why they think expatriate ex- BR staff would need a
Britrail pass, an just how many of them are there? The simple fact is
they've muddled, badly, two completely seperate requests for info from
two posters on this thread. I shall have another go at them, but as
we're only allowed 3000 characters in our emails to them I shall have
to think about the wording when I have the mental energy. In any
event, they have, sadly, lived down to the stereotypically garbled
response I was afraid I might get.