DLR delta junction flyunder
On 22 May, 00:18, Mr Thant
On 21 May, 21:56, Ganesh Sittampalam
The new flyover/under at Delta junction on theDLRseems to have been
finished for a couple of weeks now, but I haven't seen any trains
actually use it. Anyone know why, and when it will be brought into
It bypasses West India Quay, so there needs to be some passenger
education and updated maps first, and I haven't seen any sign of that.
There's a major *closure starting this weekend and ending next (of the
whole area around Canning Town), which I expect to be followed by a
new timetable. That would be a likely time for it to come into use.
They seem to have reprogrammed the stopping points at Limehouse and
West India Quay so that trains use the extended bits of the
platforms. Don't know when exactly, but it's fairly recent.