reducing congestion
"nightjar" nightjar@insert_my_surname_here wrote in message
. ..
"Cast_Iron" wrote in message
But they don't spend more cash. Everyone has certain needs, once those
are met their surplus cash sits in the bank or wherever they choose to
I think you will find the definition of what constitutes those 'certain
needs' changes with income.
To a degree true, but any individual only requires a certain amount of food
and the other basics of life. The point is that someone with a holiday home
in a different part of the country is depriving that local economy of the
same level of income that a permanant resident would put in.
You will also find that most rich people don't
leave their money sitting around as surplus cash. At the moment, private
investors are probably the easiest way for small to medium size businesses
to get capital for new ventures.
Undoubtedly true, but not pertinent to this thread.