reducing congestion
"MrBitsy" wrote in message
W K wrote:
"Doki" wrote in message
"Cast_Iron" wrote in message
"Silk" wrote in message
Oliver Keating wrote:
1) Social justice
People who are not prepared to work should get no money. That's
social justice.
What about people who want to but are not allowed to?
Which ones would they be? I honestly can't think of anyone who wants
work but isn't allowed to. I can think of situations where it isn't
worth people's while working, but only on an anecdotal basis.
Its only very recently that we have almost full employment, and there
are still places where jobs aren't dead easy to get.
Wrong, there are jobs there but people prefer to do nothing and get it off
the state. There are always jobs around driving mini cabs, washiing up and
other menial jobs. People should be forced to do those jobs while waiting
for a better one.
You live in london don't you.