On 10 July, 20:58, wrote:
In article
(Mizter T) wrote:
I couldn't remember if it was a 24 hour route or not, so instead of
checking a bus spider map or the TfL journey planner I did a Google
image search for "n453 london bus", one of the first thumbnails in teh
results led me to this page - which has an out of date photo of a bus
stop at Baker Street which displays 'plates' for both 453 and N453:
It's obviously taken after the introduction of bendy buses, as they
both appear on yellow 'plates' with the advice/warning "Buy tickets
before boarding" (and it's just outside the central London 'pay before
you board' area too). So my half-remembered recollection of there
being a distinct N453 service in the recent past wasn't so far wide of
the mark! I'm not sure when the separate N453 was dropped and the
daytime 453 went 24-hours though.
Surely yellow plates came in some time before the bendys to soften people
up for their introduction.
I don't think there was such a thing as a 453 before bendys though.
Or a 436. They made overlapping sections with the 53 and 36 which
were shortened, and my impression was that it happened with