Basil Jet wrote:
Paul Corfield wrote:
On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 23:16:14 +0100, Arthur Figgis
The Sutton - Croydon night bus
service went this month, which is a pain.
It was not an intentional cut back
??? Well, the buses ain't there no more...!
so it is actually unfair to suggest
this is as a result of a directive from City Hall to save money or the
result of a TfL directed cut. I broadly know what happened and what
was intended and "cock up" is the best explanation of where we have
got to.
Sounds interesting! Surely the operator can't unilaterally pull out of
part of a bus route in London?
At risk of being lynched by friends back at home, it does leave quite an
area with no nocturnal services. ook_plea
More than a hundred young people and parents converged on Wallington town
centre last night to protest against the axing of the N213 night-bus
The campaign to reinstate the bus began on Facebook, with the online group
approaching 3,000 members.
Liberal Democrat MP, Tom Brake, who has been banned from Facebook after
publicising the demonstration [snip]
Why would someone be banned from Facebook for publicising a demo?
It seems Facebook detected a sudden spike in traffic, so their systems
automatically (and temporarily) pulled the pages in case there was
something undesirable going on:
(or at least that's what the members of the illuminati who control TfL's
secret hotline to Facebook want people to think)
My ISP did something similar to an otherwise obscure website which I run
when an online magazine in Russia linked to a particular page, and the
traffic went through the roof for about 24 h.
Arthur Figgis