Routemaster registrations
On 7 Aug, 20:44, Adrian wrote:
Ken W gurgled happily, sounding much like they were
I'm from the era when the registration of a Routemaster and the stock
number matched. * For instance I seem to remember something along the
lines WLT885 was RM (or was it RML) 885.
But over the years, some Routemasters seem to have acquired new
registrations. * Now, I can understand that when sold on from LT they
might have received new registrations but is it that simple and why did
LT not sell with the registrations, was it because of the "exclusivity"
of the LT in WLT, VLT etc?
Quite a few were reregistered (without selling the buses) simply because
money could be made. So many routemasters picked up odd xxx nnn A
Or pre-63 age related plates.
Quite a few of the old plates are on more modern buses, so they've been
kept within the fleets.
This came up recently. The suggestion was that the old plates had a
value to disguise the age of newer buses.
I found this implausible for buses, unlike someone showing off their
car, but it was suggested that some luxury coach operators might want
to use an ageless ex-Routemaster registration rather than have punters
think their coaches were two years old or something.
So maybe some were sold and that's why they were replaced with aaa nnn
A. I don't know why some were put on later London buses though.
I am pretty sure that 885 would have been an RML.