Overground/Southern line diagrams
Paul Scott wrote:
Thinking about the stations recently transferred (on the 20th) from SN to
LO in advance of the ELL service being extended to Crystal Plalce and West
Croydon. Presumably in the intervening period these may be provided with
full LO style signage, including the 'underground style' line of route
If I were TfL, I'd leave the signage as it is and then replace it when the
ELL opens. There's no point telling passengers they now have a LO service
when there are no LO trains - details of the management of the station
matters to relatively few people. And no point making up new signs for a
short period only to have to change them again. Though a bit of paint or
sticky-backed plastic seems to have sufficed for Underground network map
changes as can be seen at various stations.