On Oct 6, 11:37*am, wrote:
On Tue, 6 Oct 2009 03:35:02 -0700 (PDT)
Halmyre wrote:
Really? Care to fill us in with your profound insights as to why this is =
You first, let's hear your profound insight as to why it's otherwise.
He was convicted in a court of law. So unless you think the notoriously
lefty judiciary was somehow persuaded to bow to american pressure I can't
see an issue with it.
Still, don't take my word for it - read the original evidence:
And, as any fule kno, *no-one* has *ever* been wrongly convicted in a
court of law.
Perhaps he was , but I've yet to see any evidence as to why from the
tin foil hat brigade. To me it seems they all want him to have been
innocent just so they can stick it to the yanks. The truth isn't
based on the number of braying idiots spouting the same opinion.
See upthread, where Tom rightly cites:
1) the official UN observer at the trial
2) the Scottish Criminal Cases Review board
(also, if you think that getting the bugger let out is an important
enough conspiracy to unite the Scottish government, the Scottish
judiciary and the UK government in EVILDOING, then surely the same
would apply to getting him locked up in the first place?)
John Band
john at johnband dot org