wrote in message
On Thu, 8 Oct 2009 13:50:01 +0100
"Recliner" wrote:
wrote in message
Yeah , to hell with the familes of the hundreds who died. Who needs
punishment when money is at stake.
Absolutely right -- why didn't they pursue the real bombers?
And they are ....?
Allegedly Syrian terrorists, under contract from the Iranian government
(in revenge for the Iranian Airbus shot down by the US Navy). The bomb
was loaded in Heathrow, not Frankfurt, which would be embarrassing to
the British government, and the Americans were trying to get Syria and
Iran on its side during the Iraq war, so it was more convenient to blame
the Libyans (who certainly had been behind other terrorist attacks).
Almost certainly, the US and British governments know exactly what
happened, but it would be too embarrassing to admit it.
As for the families, they don't believe the dubious conviction either: