Are droids really that stupid
I was in London yesterday - I don't do it often, and the trip reminded me
why. However, I also have an Oyster card for emergencies, and it has
about £9 credit on it, as it has now for some three years... IN fact i've
only unsed it once, from New Addington to Easy Croydon by Tramlink when a
family friend died.
Yesterday I needed a convenient rail-served Ikea store, and Croydon
happens to have one.
On the way in - no trouble, Buy a One-day Travelcard on a Railcard from
my local SWT station, train to Wimbledon, tram to Ampere Way. Valid
journey covered by a valid ticket.
Comeing out, I chose to go to East Croydon, then onward to Waterloo East
and a fast train home. And the East Croydon to Home was painless. It was
the ****wit on the tramstop who was the problem.
As I was getting off at EC, I was stopped by a capped man, asking for my
ticket. Stepping off the tram, I showed him the ODTC, and the railcard it
was bought with, and he spotted the Oyster behind the Railcard. Asking to
see the Oyster, he then runs it over his checker, to find that I didn't
touch in at Ampere Way.
Of course, I didn't, says I, I have a valid pass for the entire journey -
the ODTC. Not relevant, says the Droid - if you have a PAYG Oyster, you
MUST touch in at the tramstop, regardless. No, says I, I have already
paid for the tram journey on the ODTC.. etc etc...
Are they really that stupid that they think you have to pay once for your
ticket on the TraveCard and again on the Oyster???
End result, I wasted 10 minutes then walked away, having snatched the
Oyster away from him, and ignored his ****witted cries of "Sir, stop...
Stop sir...!"
I wonder if I will have BTP breaking down my door anytime soon?
Paul Cummins - Always a NetHead
Wasting Bandwidth since 1981