First Capital Connect strike ...
In message , Richard J.
In my view that is an unprofessional way to run a 7-day service, and
should be outlawed by the DfT. The company is clearly not able to
offer a reliable 7-day service if it doesn't employ sufficient people
to staff it.
What is the RMT's attitude to this, I wonder? Are they protecting
their existing working members' overtime or seeking to get more
(current or potential) members in employment?
My understanding is that the RMT have no or little opinion on this;
particularly as it's mostly ASLE&F members this affects. The RMT aren't
the only union representing rail staff despite them or the media
seemingly believing so.
From the union information I have seen it seems that 'The Companies'
declared some months ago that to deal with a shortfall of drivers they
would pay extra for weekend working for 'a period' which encouraged
drivers to volunteer for rest day working. There was no consultation
with the unions, it was just declared. An ASLE&F record at the time
stated this and it was just 'noted' that it had happened.
Now this kind(!) offer has been withdrawn, not surprisingly a number of
drivers have declined to work this voluntary arrangement and instead are
choosing to have quality time at home with their families - who
So the upshot is that The Companies have made a rod for their own backs
but of course, it's all the drivers/unions fault.
Steve Fitzgerald has now left the building.
You will find him in London's Docklands, E16, UK
(please use the reply to address for email)