On Nov 9, 3:35*pm, wrote:
Not sure if its been mentioned already , but did anyone see that Inside O=
program the other day which compared the idiotic closures of lines for
maintenance against the regime in Paris where they were converting an
entire line to automatic operation without disrupting the service at all?
Everything was done at night. They compared the can-do attitude of the
people there with the standard issue whinging and moaning of the people
from Tubelines. Sometimes its embarrasing to be British.
e.g. when our media lie that public transport quality / worker
morale / can-do-ism is lower here than in bleedin' France.
I guess they made up the fact that they did all the work at night did they?
Err, no. That just shows that RATP is willing to allow engineering
works to take longer and cost more in exchange for avoiding blockades,
whereas TfL and TL view their core priority as delivering the weekday
peak-hour service and so prioritise the delivery of upgrades as
rapidly as possible, even when that involves shifting people onto
buses, boats and probably cars a bit at the weekend.
John Band
john at johnband dot org