Mr Thant wrote:
The map in the leaflet has both the Thames and the Hammersmith & City
Here's the map at KXSP:
(I don't think any new poster network maps or map leaflets are in
circulation yet)
AIUI the new timetable changes the 7 tph H&C and 7 tph Circle into 6
tph each, meaning 12 tph departures from Hammersmith.
I think I've lost track of that aspect. Weren't there at one time supposed
to be some slight changes to the Met and District to maintain numbers along
the north and south sides of the common routes as well?
Which reminds me of something that doesn't seem to have been discussed much.
Is part of the real rationale for this to persuade pax from the Kings Cross
area, heading for the south western extremities of the network, to stop
using Earls Court or Gloucester Rd when changing? Most publicity just
dwells on the better service to Hammersmith H&C, without trying to explain
how that helps pax overall, IYSWIM...
Paul S