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Old November 10th 09, 09:44 PM posted to
Walter Briscoe Walter Briscoe is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Oct 2005
Posts: 392
Default Publicity about Circle Line going Teacup

In message of Tue, 10 Nov 2009 10:30:21 in, Mr Thant
On 10 Nov, 16:54, "Paul Scott" wrote:
I think I've lost track of that aspect. Weren't there at one time supposed
to be some slight changes to the Met and District to maintain numbers along
the north and south sides of the common routes as well?

The 2010 frequencies are on slide 15 onwards of this document:


That IS an interesting document. AFAIK, no older posting referred to it.

1) p9/21 graphs "Average excess platform wait time. There are a couple
of text boxes on that graph; for me they seem to use a font which I
don't have and are rendered as gibberish. Do you see them clearly? If
so, please copy to a reply. Later: Foxit Reader renders the text in the
first as "Thisistheaverageam ountofextra tim ethatacustom erhas tow
aitforatraininadditiontotheam ounthe/shew ouldw aitiftheservicew
asrunning perfectly.Thehigherthenum berthew orsetheperformance." (I also
see gibberish is Adobe Reader 9.2) I reckon the message in clear is:
"This is the average amount of extra time that a customer has to wait
for a train in addition to the amount he/she would wait if the service
was running perfectly. The higher the number the worse the performance."
- duplicates "Average extra platform wait time". The second box is
"Circle line".

2) P11/21 is entitled "SSR upgrade". What is "SSR"? I guess something
like "Sub-Surface Railways".

3) Does LU publish reliability data? If so where?
I am unimpressed to see Circle and H&C aggregated on p10/21. Without
sight of the raw data, one can't tell if this is reasonable. The time
units on p9/21 seem to be periods as are those on p10/21. It is a pity
different date ranges were chosen for pp9-10. ISTR seeing a definition
of "period", but can't recall a reference or the definition.

4) p15/21 has a bullet point: "Some current scheduled frequencies are
rarely achieved because run times are unrealistic - new scheduled
frequencies will be closer to the ones that are currently actually
operated". IMHO, this is the most significant point made.

5) I love the way the publicity fails to mention that, as well as losing
Edgware Road - Baker Street, the current Circle line goes from an 8.5
minute timetabled headway to a 10 minute one.

6) I look forward to the near-doubling of AM peak services from Baker
Street to stations beyond Paddington; overloading now is often
comparable to that on the deep lines.

The leaflet at stations has a map which improves current Tube maps - 2
distinct Edgware Road stations and the river. I have failed to find a
pdf of the leaflet on the web. The nearest is
tingaround/13280.aspx. One point in that URL that seems contentious to
me is "Travelling to or from Paddington
All trains via King's Cross St. Pancras will run from the Hammersmith &
City line station - with a more frequent service."
If they change to "Travelling from Paddington ...", truth would be told.
Walter Briscoe