TERRORISM - Recognise & Survive:
There is a genuine risk that terrorists could deploy chemical,
biological or radiological weapons of mass destruction in the UK.
London's transportation network (and in particular the tube) is among
those targets most likely to be attacked.
The most likely form of attack is a bombing, using only conventional
explosives. Multiple simultaneous attacks are likely. A truck, van or
car could be filled with explosives and driven into a large building
or busy area. The target is likely to be either strategic or symbolic.
A strategic attack could target financial institutions or national
infrastructure. A symbolic attack could target banks, oil
corporations, or Jewish/Israeli/American interests. (Christmas
shoppers in busy shopping areas like Oxford Street or Lakeside are
among likely targets. Attacking them would constitute a strategic
attack on the economy and also strike symbolically at Western
capitalism.) Alternatively one or more individual suicide bombers
could detonate themselves or release CBRN agents in one or more
buildings or areas where large numbers of people are gathered.
There would be little that one could do in the event of a conventional
explosive attack because the effects would be immediate. But it is
increasinly possible that terrorists could deploy Chemical, Biological
or Radiological agents, either using bombs or individual terrorists to
spread them over as wide and busy an area as possible.
In the event of an unconventional or CBRN attack there may be ways to
minimise harm to those effected. Immediately after such an attack
there may be enough time for victims and people in the area to take
preventative steps to minimise or prevent damage to themselves.
Possible target areas include (in order of the level of threat
percieved by the Acheson Intelligence Group): Bank (London
Underground) Station; the Bank of England; The London Stock Exchange;
Liverpool Street Station; Moorgate Station; Bishopsgate; Kings Cross
St Pancras; Canary Wharf; Major Banks & Financial institutions;
American, Jewish & Israeli interests; Embassies; Oxford Circus Station
& Oxford Street; Political Centres such as Westminster; Large
Buildings. Also: other busy tube stations; media interests; busy major
shopping areas; busy roads & junctions; any locations (and times)
where large numbers of people gather, particularly in confinement.
Thanks to the so-called "war on terror", there is a greater threat of
terrorism than ever before. London is now thought to top the
terrorist's hit-list, ranking above New York and Washington. Attacks
on Arab oil countries are increasing anti-Western sentiment, therefore
increasing the threat:
"We are faced with the realistic possibility of a form of
unconventional attack that could include chemical, biological,
radiological or nuclear (CBRN).
"It is only a matter of time before a crude version of a CBRN is
launched on a Western city."
(Director General of the MI5)
Below is an Individual Terrorism Preparedness advisory from the
Acheson Intelligence Group.
Should anybody require further information or advice about terrorism,
or a printable A4 fact-sheet, please contact us using this email
We urge you to study this information and take preparatory measures as
soon as possible. We urge you also to share this information with
others, advising them to do the same.
In the event of a terrorist attack ordinary people will be the victims
- and the first on the scene to help others. They will need to be
aware of possible unconventional threats to themselves.
In America and even Australia information has been provided to
organisations, institutions, businesses and the public, so that people
might cope better in the event of a terrorist strike. In Israel gas
masks have been issued to the public.
But in Britain no practical advice or equipment has been offered.
Emergency services lack the equipment and training to respond
properly. Victims may effectively be on their own.
The government claims that their lack of action is designed to avoid
panic. Meanwhile they issue almost daily alerts about terrorism:
placing troops on the streets, planning terrorism simulations and
otherwise generating panic - without educating, preparing or equipping
people. We are reminded again and again that there is a threat. But we
are not being advised what to do about it. The threat is real. The
government is escalating the threat; they are using the threat to
scare people; but they are not helping people to prepare.
The Acheson Intelligence Group is therefore providing free information
and advice, such as the information below.
Coping with attacks using CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and
nuclear) weapons is about Individual Preparedness. It is the ability
of the individual to survive and respond to a CBRN attack that will be
crucial in the event. With this in mind we urge you to distribute this
material as widely as possible. People are unlikely to recieve advice
of this kind from anywhere else - least of all the government - until
it is too late.
TERRORISM: Recognise. React. Survive.
Here is a summary of the main terrorist-friendly weapons of mass
destruction, with signs by which to recognise them, the danger that
they pose & some tips for survival in case they are used by
There is no cause for panic. Understanding the threats will help
people to remain calm, to survive & to help others. This information
must therefore be made available to everybody. Please copy, fax,
forward & print this sheet for notice boards, friends, family,
colleagues & others.
Signs & Dangers: could be delivered via dust, liquid, aerosol or
vapour, probably in a confined space such as a train or station.
Almost immediately those nearest may suffer severe headache, coughing
and difficulty with breathing. Sweating, blurred vision, nausea and
vomiting are common. Unconsciousness and death may follow quickly.
Some poisons act more slowly. Suspect any unusual spray, liquid or
Tips: protect your mouth & nose immediately. At the very least you
should carry a DIY/safety mask, or fabric such as clothing. When your
mask is securely on, clear your lungs by shouting, "gas, gas, gas!"
This will also alert others. Ideally you should use a proper
respirator/mask fitted with vapour filters (see "EQUIPMENT" below).
Get up high - e.g. stand on a seat. Tell others to do the same. (Most
poisons will be thicker below and thinner above because they are
heavier than air). Wash skin ASAP e.g. with drinks. Do not touch
possible victims, even to help them.
Signs & Dangers: any explosion, even a small one, could be a dirty
bomb. Dirty bombs use explosives to fill the air with radioactive or
toxic dust.
Tips: After any explosion, assume that the air is dirty. Put your
respirator/mask on ASAP (see "EQUIPMENT" below). Or at least cover
your mouth and nose with clothing. Inhaling only a few invisible
particles could lead to illness & death. Wash skin ASAP e.g. with
drinks. Taking Iodine (Potassium Iodide/Iodate) supplements before or
immediately after a radiological attack could reduce the amount of
damaging radiation absorbed by the body's thyroid gland.
Signs & Dangers: bio-weapons are the cheapest and most available WMD.
They can kill more people than any nuclear bomb because they can
spread from person to person. Bacteria or viruses could be delivered
using aerosols (sprays) or by the respiratory droplets of an infected
suicide terrorist. SMALLPOX ANTHRAX EBOLA and PLAGUE are the germs
most likely to be used. A bioterror attack will rely on stealth. There
will be no explosion. The first victims and their doctors will suspect
'flu'. Most weaponised infections begin with sudden severe fever and
other flu-like symptoms. Prevention is better than cure.
SMALLPOX: virus characterised by pea-sized pustules appearing after
2-3 days of illness; first on the face, hands and feet; then
everywhere. Hard to kill, the virus can survive for long periods
outside the body. Around 1 in 3 infected people die. Vaccination can
be given before symptoms start but it may not work. The disease can be
very infectious and may be particularly so in crowded city trains.
ANTHRAX: bacteria characterised by severe difficulty with breathing.
May be mistaken for pneumonia. Spread using its tiny spores, anthrax
is often fatal but rarely spreads from person to person. Anthrax can
be treated using antibiotics if caught early.
PLAGUE: bacteria characterised by coughing and breathing problems,
sometimes red/purple patches on the skin, painful swellings at the
armpits and groin, or blackening of the nose & fingers. Plague is
highly infectious and deadly. Early antibiotic treatment may be
EBOLA: virus characterised by confusion, exhaustion, and sometimes
bleeding (often from the nose), flushed, bruised or yellow skin. Ebola
is extremely infectious. Most victims die within days of the onset of
symptoms. There is no vaccine or cure.
Tips: you are unlikely to be among the first victims of a bioterror
attack. Once an outbreak is recognised you should: Try to avoid close
contact with possible victims. Prevent inhalation using a PFR (see
"EQUIPMENT" below) or HEPA filter. At least use a DIY/safety mask, or
fabric such as clothing to cover your mouth and nose when near people.
Viral outbreak: Cover your eyes with a visor or goggles. Ideally wear
rubber gloves, boots, waterproof clothing and hood/shower cap. Use
strict washing and hygiene. Start taking Vitamin C and Zinc ASAP (Ask
your doctor first.) Echinacea herb may have beneficial anti-viral
effects. Bioterror victims should be kept hydrated using water and
"electrolyte" (available from pharmacies).
NB: This information would also be of use in the event of a major
disease outbreak that is unrelated to terrorism.
EQUIPMENT (equip yourself before the attacks begin):
PFR surgical masks: product code UN46727 from 3S Healthcare - 020 8443
7832. (Seal to face with surgical tape - from pharmacy).
RESPIRATOR (MASK) WITH VAPOUR FILTERS: such as Vitrex respirator
available from many DIY shops, e.g. Buck & Ryan, 101 Tottenham Court
Road. Take your mask everywhere and make sure it fits tightly.
Practice getting it out and putting it on quickly, sometimes with your
eyes closed. When it is on, exhale sharply and fully. Mask yourself
first. You cannot help others if you are a victim.
www.gasmasks-direct.co.uk /
FOOD & WATER: buy bottled water and tinned foods. Store these in case
supplies become disrupted by a major incident.
Anti-Radiation Pills (Potassium Iodide/Iodate): Available online
including at:
Other Materials: batteries, battery-powered radio, battery-powered
torch, rubber/plastic gloves (available free at many petrol pumps),
rubber boots, duck tape, bin liner bags (and/or Plastic Sheeting).
You need not obtain all of these materials immediately. Start with the
essentials: breathing protection, water etc. Buy a little extra food
and water each time you do your normal shopping. Everything listed
here is, for the most part, in order of priority.
Look out for suspicious packages and vehicles, people acting
suspiciously or people with symptoms of severe/suspicious illness.
Report these immediately. Call 999. If you suspect a deliberate
infection, call 999. Isolate and hydrate the patient.
Further Reading:
International Red Cross - Terrorism: Preparing for the Unexpected
(February 2003):
US Government - America Responds to Terrorism (February 2003):
READY.GOV - US Department of Homeland Security: "Make a kit, make a
plan, be informed." (March 2003):
Department of Homeland Security - Protect Yourself (February 2003):
Department of Homeland Security - Advice for Citizens (February 2003):
British government, Department of Health - Deliberate Release of
Biological and Chemical Agents - Guidance to help plan the health
service response (March 2000):
Smallpox Briefing note for the public:
British government, Home Office - Advice for the general public on
terrorism risks and personal protection (March 2003):
UK Resilience, Civil Contingencies Emergency planning guidance and
government information (February 2003):
London Prepared, Civil Contingencies Official emergency planning
information for London (February 2003):
Biological Terrorism - A Personal Safety Manual: