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  #31   Report Post  
Old July 18th 11, 10:46 PM posted to uk.railway,misc.transport.urban-transit,
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Jan 2011
Posts: 35
Default TfL's bid to control trains has much going for it - Mark Hansford

On Mon, 18 Jul 2011 18:00:45 +0100 [UTC], Ivor wrote:
On Mon, 18 Jul 2011 04:54:06 -0700 (PDT), 1506
On Jul 18, 4:00*am, "Mizter T" wrote:

Do grow up and stop being so pathetic.

Rather than respond imediately, I am giving you time to withdraw that
remark. Do consider doing so.

What he said.


You really are behaving like an utter idiot, Adrian.

Please collect the toys thrown out of the pram as you leave.

Pointless. They'll only be thrown out again in a few hours or days.
Might as well collect them and give them to the needy.

Speaking for me, myself and I. Nobody else
- unless I make it clear that I am...

  #32   Report Post  
Old July 20th 11, 02:35 AM posted to uk.railway,misc.transport.urban-transit,
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Mar 2008
Posts: 61
Default TfL's bid to control trains has much going for it - Mark Hansford

Arthur Figgis writes:
Get out more, and travel in the real world.

But avoid Spain and Portugal if you don't like metro-style and
tiolet-less trains being used on some very long journeys (1 or even 2

Hmm? A 1-hour journey is not so unusual in a large metro area...

With metro-style timetables, on-board toilets really aren't necessary --
one can always disembark en-route and use a toilet in a station; the
next train should be along shortly.


"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that
you do it." Mahatma Gandhi
  #33   Report Post  
Old July 20th 11, 07:46 AM posted to uk.railway,misc.transport.urban-transit,
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 1,147
Default TfL's bid to control trains has much going for it - Mark Hansford

On 20/07/2011 02:35, Miles Bader wrote:
Arthur writes:
Get out more, and travel in the real world.

But avoid Spain and Portugal if you don't like metro-style and
tiolet-less trains being used on some very long journeys (1 or even 2

Hmm? A 1-hour journey is not so unusual in a large metro area...

With metro-style timetables, on-board toilets really aren't necessary --
one can always disembark en-route and use a toilet in a station; the
next train should be along shortly.

I would say bogs are more desirable on infrequent services or rural
branches where the basic stations have no (or no open) bogs. Or where
incidents in the XXX area mean passengers can expect to get stuck
between stops every so often.

(Hendaye -) San Sebastian - Bilbao or Alacant - Denia are a fair trek on
what are basically trams, and people were obviously making their own
arrangements behind walls on Aveiro - Espinho via the scenic route
(which no-one sane would do throughout, admittedly).

Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK
  #34   Report Post  
Old July 20th 11, 06:58 PM posted to uk.railway,misc.transport.urban-transit,
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 1,147
Default TfL's bid to control trains has much going for it - Mark Hansford

On 20/07/2011 12:01, Tim Fenton wrote:

"Miles Bader" wrote in message

But avoid Spain and Portugal if you don't like metro-style and
tiolet-less trains being used on some very long journeys (1 or even 2

Hmm? A 1-hour journey is not so unusual in a large metro area...

With metro-style timetables, on-board toilets really aren't necessary --
one can always disembark en-route and use a toilet in a station; the
next train should be along shortly.

I'm trying to think where in Spain or Portugal there are metro style
trains without toilets.

The modern-looking wide gangwayed EMUs which run out of Porto didn't
appear to have any (or so my friend who went looking for one reported).


The Renfe Cercanias units - the older 44x and
the new artic sets - have them, and on the CP, heck, even the rebuilt
Allans have a toilet.

The only example of a long journey without toilet facilities I can
recall is the tram train from Alacant to Benidorm - made worse by the
connection on to Denia also having no toilet, and that the only
intermediate station with toilet facilities AFAIK is Benidorm, which is
no good if you're changing trains, as it's a sharp connection.

Unless, of course, the tram pulls out bang on time just as the DMU is
arriving ever so slightly late. Which was actually quite handy, as a
number of people headed for the facilities (which were just being
locked). Having said that, does anyone other than tourists use the line
throughout, or would normals get a coach (which I think the hotel said
is quicker) or just drive?

Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK
  #35   Report Post  
Old August 3rd 11, 02:38 PM posted to uk.railway,misc.transport.urban-transit,
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 252
Default TfL's bid to control trains has much going for it - Mark Hansford

On Jul 18, 4:00*am, "Mizter T" wrote:
"1506" wrote:

On Jul 17, 9:43 am, 1506 wrote:

Chiltern's level of comfort, PIS, punctuality, et al, far exceeds
on the London Amersham route.

Based on what evidence and over what time period please?

Based on close observation and first hand experience from the far side
of the continent on the other side of the Atlantic, one assumes.

And I took you for one of the brighter folk here. :-(

Do grow up and stop being so pathetic.

"Mizter T", let us review how we came to this point:

You interjected your sarcastic remark into a perfectly civil discourse
relating to the quality offered by the two operators on the route from
London to Amersham.You suggested that somehow being a long term
overseas resident invalidated my opinion. In point of fact there is
no reason one cannot take an interest, and follow events from afar.
And, as I pointed out your post was not only rude but incorrect. I
have in fact been in the UK for a while and visited London a number of
After I responded, you resorted to words like "pathetic" and

Well “Mizter T” let us consider the source (you):
Several years back I started to notice posts under the name "Mizter
T". IIRC you posted more on u.t.l than uk.r (BTW are you really a
300lb African American with 8oz of gold bling around his neck? That is
not how I picture you at all). Your posts showed some intelligence
and a level of education. I suspect you attained more than one “O
Level”. Moreover, you showed a good knowledge of subject matter.
What I most enjoyed was that your posts displayed a certain "energy".
You have shown real enthusiasm for London’s transit infrastructure.

On the other hand I noticed a dark side. You were quick to criticize
newcomers. If someone's netiquette was not to your liking we could
expect to see him or her receive a sharp rebuke from you. This is all
very well. But, everybody is new at some point. I find it sad that
someone of your education and ability has to resort to poor manners
and sarcasm.

Why not help new folks along? We would all like good netiquette. I
would settle for good etiquette even, but this is 2011. Good manners
would cost you nothing but buy you so much. Why do you act as if you
are the umpire of UseNet?

Could it be that your use of words like pathetic and pompous are
really your ego defecting your own faults on to others? Think about
it, you wouldn't be the first.

Meanwhile, you have gathered a little group of followers. And
remember, a man is known by the company he keeps. You have Ivor the
"non-poster". He has posted under his chuffchuff moniker since
December of 2009, but rarely says anything of substance. We can only
wonder why he feels the need to jump into this conversation with his
childish banter.

And then, we have our old "pal" the Jobsworth from Lincolnshire. Ross
is precisely what society receives when a small minded man is put into
a uniform. And, if his employer doesn't like his attitude, they have
to deal with his trade union.

So, "Mizter T" (I still wonder why you are taking your name from a
1980s US TV series), it is time for me to killfile Ivor. It is also
time to killfile Mr. Corfield, a sexual deviant in a union protected
public sector job. Paul’s inability to hold together three logical
thoughts, and his tendency to resort to hissy fits when he cannot win
a debate mean his post are not worth reading. And, I do not want to
deal with him.

However, you and Ross will still appear on my home system. But, you
should expect no further direct response from me. End of
conversation, and end of mutual communication. Except to say "F__ you
and f___ the horse on which you rode into town".

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