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On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 11:38 +0000 (GMT Standard Time),
(Peter Beale) wrote: They're not tubes - they are cut-and-cover ("tube" traditionally describes the trains using the deep-level bored tube lines, not those like the Met and District built by scooping out a trough and subsequently covering it up). www.thetube.com (tube.tfl.gov.uk) seems to have details of the met line on it (Under the heading "London Underground The Tube") :-) |
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On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:38:37 -0000, "John Rowland"
wrote: Incidentally, there are several "Welcome to Middlesex" signs where you cross from Barnet LB to Enfield LB. I thought these were old, but I have been subsequently informed that they were put up by Enfield Council in the last ten years, after the Middlesex enthusiasts managed to convince them that even though Middlesex was no longer an adminstrative entity, it still existed. They used to have them (I think) as you crossed from "Surrey" to "Middlesex" on Kew bridge. Now they just have Middlesex signs. |
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![]() (snip) All these people in outer London suburbs who like to deny they are part of the metropolis and think they live in rural Kent, Surrey, Essex, Herts or 'Middlesex' should take their heads out of the sand. (snip) ........ as always it will takes generations to catch up... As I pay council tax to the London borough of Redbridge (a name invented to cover the cobbling together of several disparate places - Ilford, Woodford, bits of Chadwell Heath, etc, - each with their own individual identity)I have to accept that I live in part of Greater London. However, that does not and never will mean that I'm a "Londoner". My spouse and I both lived further out in Essex "proper" before we married. The need to find somewhere to live for us and our child, within reasonable commuting distance of our jobs which were then in the Square Mile, brought us more or less accidentally to this borough. Just because we stepped over an invisible line, it didn't mean we stopped being Essex people. I don't think my head is in the sand; I appreciate the benefits of a better bus service with lower fares than those enjoyed (endured?) by my friends further out in deeper Essex; I shall probably make good use of my freebie pass when I'm 60 if I haven't bailed out to somewhere saner. However, I don't appreciate the higher crime rate, the greater urban squalor, the higher insurance premiums, overpopulation and NOISE! My interests, work and loyalties lie outwards into Essex and I feel little or no affinity with "London". It WILL take a generation or two for attitudes to change because you can't change the way people feel inside their own heads. To those who were born in Ilford, Essex or those who grew up knowing Ilford as part of Essex, I think that will always be the case. And likewise for people in Bexley, Kent; Croydon, surrey, etc. To their children and grandchildren and younger newcomers from other parts of the world, it will be more natural to think of it as part of London. |
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On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 11:38 +0000 (GMT Standard Time),
(Peter Beale) wrote: They're not tubes - they are cut-and-cover ("tube" traditionally describes the trains using the deep-level bored tube lines, not those like the Met and District built by scooping out a trough and subsequently covering it up). I think tube/subsurface has long since gone the same way as less/fewer and have/of... -- Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK |
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"David Boothroyd" wrote in message
... There is always going to be a problem over which county boundary to use. The 'traditional counties' have themselves had boundaries which shifted - many were undefined until the later middle ages, then some former counties were made exclaves of other counties (Islandshire being possibly the best known example). The exclaves were mostly abolished in the 1830s and other changes were made in the 1880s. The boundaries in this map of counties in 1066 look very similar to the boundaries in 1960, except in the Northwest. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:E...ayCounties.png -- John Rowland - Spamtrapped Transport Plans for the London Area, updated 2001 http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acro...69/tpftla.html A man's vehicle is a symbol of his manhood. That's why my vehicle's the Piccadilly Line - It's the size of a county and it comes every two and a half minutes |
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"A H" wrote in message
... ... What I loathe is people within the GLA boundary denying they are part of London. Places like Bexley, Bromley etc only exist in their present form because of London, not the neighbouring county of Kent. If the people of Bexley want to be associated with and branded as part of Kent, who are you to force them to share your London identity? I never understand why Londoners always want to conquer yet more and more territory and smear their London branding ever more thinly over areas who actively reject it. What annoys me most about this "London" mindset is the staggeringly wrong assumption that somehow London is the best place on the planet and everyone within the boundary should somehow consider themselves lucky to be here (and that everyone else outside the boundary must be dying to join, right?!). Much of London is a polluted, grim urban toilet that festers with high levels of anti-social behaviour, and is characteried by a total absence of community. I wager that Sevenoaks, Swanley, and Dartford are all as dependent on the London economy as Bexley is. Do you loathe them being allowed to remain in Kent (even if that's what they want?) ... All these people in outer London suburbs who like to deny they are part of the metropolis and think they live in rural Kent, Surrey, Essex, Herts or 'Middlesex' should take their heads out of the sand. It is entirely up to us, the local people, to choose what we want to be described as. Nobody is pretending that suburban Bexleyheath is rural Kent - that hasn't been said, and I'm sure you know that. But the character of somewhere like Bexeyheath and Sidcup I find *much* closer to the character and ambience of say, the suburban housing developments on the edge of places like Tonbridge, Dartford, High Brooms, Maidstone. How can I explain this: when I visit somewhere like Maidstone it feels very similar; when I visit somewhere like Lewisham, New Cross, or Deptford, they seem so entirely different. Superficially, Bexley is on the edge of the urban sprawl that includes these latter places, but it is so entirely different in character. The only reason they can still cling to outdated county identities was due to the Post Office/Royal Mail insisting after 1965 (wrongly) that large chunks of London were actually in Kent, Surrey, Essex, Herts or 'Middlesex' when they weren't. And, of course, another reason being we have a right to label our area as Kent if we wish. You'll just have to understand that everyone doesn't want to be part of your area or share your identity. Even this requirement has been dropped by Royal Mail, as always it will takes generations to catch up... Postal counties still exist and are maintained, they just aren't one of the mandatory address fields. However, as far as I am aware, the RM *still* recommend the use of the postal county for places such as "Rainham, Essex" and "Rainham, Kent" to avoid any potential confusion. I understand why some people like London and understand why others like Kent. Each to their own. If you want to be part of London and enjoy what it has to offer then that's just fine with me, but don't deny my neighbours' and my right to choose our county affiliation. Nick |
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![]() "Tony Wilson" a@a wrote in message ... "Nick" wrote in message ... London heritage??? We have been part of Kent for generations, and only sucked into the Greater London experiment so the Tories could take control of London government (well, mostly). I am sure the overwhelming majority of residents in Bexley describe, and want to describe themselves as living in Kent (me included). Maybe those of us in metropolitan Kent will one day escape from the clutches of central London and determine our own affairs without inteference. I loathe Bexley being described as "south London", it really is NOT. We are part of the Greater London administrative area, that's all, for all other purposes we are people of Kent. I know "Londoners" find this hard to believe, but many of us don't wanty to be part of your high-density overpopulated sprawling urban gloom. Nick Blimey, got home form work and found that I never got my original question answered, but am glad to have kicked off such a lively debate! I am afraid that I have to wade in and take issue with my fellow Bexley person. The heritage in question is London's world-famous red buses. Their expansion into Bexley did not occur with the creation of the GLC but has existed as long as London's transport has been co-ordinated, whether by LPTB, LT, TfL etc. Indeed, it predates centralisation and nationalisation of bus services, as the private London General Omnibus Company opened Sidcup garage with red buses in 1924. Agreed, that's true, just as Dartford and Swanley have been served by LT for generations. In particular, there was actually an LT tram depot at Dartford if I'm not mistaken? So, Bexley was a part of London's transport network generations before the GLC was created. Hence, taking our red buses away went against our local heritage as a part of the London transport network. I understand what you mean, and have some sympathy for that, but being part of the London transport network seems somewhat different from being a "Londoner" in my mind. Actually, I think a locally-run bus service like Bexleybus could have been really great; unfortunately it was just a cost-cutting experiment by LT that, not surprisingly, failed miserably. Bad management, low budgets and ancient vehicles; Bexleybus was doomed before it even started. Localised branding seems quite appealing now I think about it, even at level of local red buses being labelled SELKENT district to distinguish those from other LRT areas. (Note that Bexley was always going to be a part of the Greater London county due to its location within the metropolitan built-up area, which was on the cards from the 1930s as the LCC couldn't do a proper job when they only collected rates from the poorer inner city and was unwinnable for the Tories; the Tories did however try to elbow more of Surrey inside the GLC boundary such as Epsom and Banstead to make it safer Tory ground, but those areas resisted and hence the GLC became marginal.) I think I'd disagree with that. Nothing was invevitable about Bexley being part of a "Greater London" county. OK, there might be an argument about "strategic" planning and transport matters, but in terms of a strategic area I think you need to go much further out than the immediate suburbs anyway. In terms of an "operational" area, GL is arguable far too big and populous. In terms of your general criticism that Bexley is not in London, can I put the following forward (and much of this goes for other parts of outer London): 1) The suburban sprawl across Bexley did not arise out of thin air, but occurred solely as a result of the accessibility of cheap housing close to the railways into London. The population of Bexley did not materialise out of thin air, but people moved out from other parts of London where conditions were poorer and more crowded. Thus demograpically in the 1920s and 1930s the borough changed from a rural area where most people were brought up locally to one with a population massively imported from outside the area. Yes, true, but other areas with stations and rail access to London all over the SouthEast experienced this phenonmenon without being stripped of their county label. Sevenoaks has been heavily dependent on its commuter link to the City and the London area for decades; is it therefore London and are they Londoners? This distinguishes the population enormously from 'other' parts of Kent outside the metropolis, where growth was slower and more organic, based more upon the growing populaiton generally and drift towards the nearest town/industry. I don't agree that this is an enormous "distinction" compared to other areas of Kent, particularly other areas of west Kent that grew at the same time, eg developments near Gravesend and Dartford (Istead Rise etc). If you look at the ads and promotional materials for the big suburban swathes of Bexley that were produced at the time you will see them specifically promoted as "move out of London into Kent", very much that the move to Bexley was a leaving behind of the urban values of London. It just so happens that the development adjoined the LCC boundary, but so what? And the situation still exists today. People move to Bexley, I wager, to achieve a greater distance from London and/or a closer affinity with Kent - people do *not* move to Bexley to "live in London". Take a look at any estate agent; not a single one woud ever promote a Bexley property as "in London", but always as "in Kent", simply because that it what Bexley people want to be affiliated with. Already you have a situation where not only is Bexley physically joined to London (which should be sufficient in anyone's book to make it a part of the metropolis) So you would say that Dartford is in London too? The boudary with Crayford is absurd, in the one street in Crayford their are houses with garages in Dartford district (KCC) but the main house is in Bexley (GL). but there was by WW2 a cultural difference between metropolitan Kent (Bexley, Bromley etc) which largely grew as a result of an influx of polulation from the inner London and the rest of Kent (i.e. outside Greater London today). What about the cultural differene now today though? Bexley's static population of largely non-ethnic origin is much closer to the population characteristics of Kent, and far removed from the diverse population found in most of proper "London". 2) The 20 years up to WW2 both physically and culturally changed Bexley, so much so that when the country's civil defences were being organised, Bexley and Bromley were under the control of the London Civil Defence Region, not the South Eastern Region which was responsible for the rest of Kent. One reason for this was that Bexley and Bromley have always been a part of the Metropolitan Police District, another generations-old distinction between the heritage of the metropolitan and rural Kents which predates not only the GLC but also the LCC. Granted, but strategic areas do not a Londoner make :-) You say that Bexley is a part of Kent for "all other purposes". What are these purposes? As far as I can tell Bexley is in Kent for: a- Postal address. Although as another poster pointed out, the county can be omitted, or indeed London can be used provided the postcode is correct- this precedent was established by the Royal Mail due to the number of county changes that followed a decade after London in 1974 when a great many people demanded the right to choose to use either the traditional or new county Strictly speaking "London" would be wrong as far as I'm aware. The administrative county is "allowed", so "Greater London" could be used (but I have only ever seen this once on a local business sign and it has since changed to Kent [no doubt following an avalanche of complaints ;-)]) b- Cricket. No county of (Greater) London exists, hence (broadly) SE London is covered by Kent (who have had grounds in Blackheath, Catford and Beckenham) , SW London by Surrey (The Oval), W and N London by Middlesex (Lords, Southgate, Uxbridge) and E London by Essex (Ilford, Leyton). You missed out coverage by Kent Messenger group newspapers and Kent radio and TV, and lots of other organisations and charities. Local media is particularly important I feel. Listen to Radio Kent and you will often hear about a third of the callers actually from Bexley or Bromley, Invicta FM plays in shops and pubs around here (Old Bexley). Wheras I can count these for London: a- Administration. London Borough of Bexley, Greater London Authority, London Mayor, London Region European Constituency. Only relatively recently, but these are still just "administrative" areas that have little meaning to ordinary people up and down my road. b- Civil organisations. Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade, London Ambulance Service, NHS. Yes, but this is partly as a result of he Met's relatively large area that was established many moons ago (long before suburban Bexley came into being). Not surprisingly, other civil organisations adopted a similar area. But note the "Metropolitan Police" was not and still isn't called the "London Police". c- Transport (already waffled on about that above!). d- Culturally. Yes, I'm sure some will raise eyebrows at that (!), but while Bexley residents may not have much in common with the average resident of inner city London, they certainly have more in common with fellow commuterland residents of Bromley, or Sutton, or Finchley etc. than they do with the countryfolk in the county of Kent across the M25. Having many friends down in Kent, I partly agree, partly disagree. Do we have much in common with the high-density urban dwellers of cental London? Agreed not. Do we have much in common with other commuterland areas like Bromley and Sutton? Yes, I'm sure in general that would be true. But do we also have much in common with other London commuters from Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, Dartford, Swanley, Medway, Faversham and beyond? Well, yes, I think we do. We have a lot in common with other people in SouthEast england who live in suburban areas and who commute to jobs in central London, but that doesn't make us all Londoners, I say. We all still have our own town centres and neighbourhoods and our own distinct local identities. Indeed, as many of the people who populated the thousands of new houses in the 1920s or 1930s as commuters came from inner London, many more have historic family roots in inner London than in Kent whether they realise it or not, whereas most residents of Kent itself can probably go back many generations in the county. But see my point above about how Bexley was promoted to these people. The very benefit of moving out was to escape London and enjoy a less urban way of life. And by your reckoning, then, Medway and Maidstone should be merged into Greater London now as well then? I notice Ken Livingstone takes this line, but the truth is that there are thousands of ex-Londoners and those with a London family history who live all over Kent; does this make Kent less Kent??? e- Economically. Suburban Bexley is entirely dependent on the economy of London, whereas Kent itself has a stronger relationship with agriculture in the centre/south, tourism in the 'Garden of Kent', some traditional industry (incl shipping) along the Thames and Channel coast and towns are self-sufficient to a much larger extent. Bexley is a suburb, which has little industry and sugnificantly fewer jobs than its population requires, hence the dominance of commuting to the centre of London, which makes it a suburb and not a distinct self-sufficient urban settlement. Compare and contrast with Sevenoaks and Dartford (and Watford, St Albans, Hatfield etc). Did you know that less than 50% of Bexley workers commute to "London" for work? I bet you thought it was higher than that though (as this is often the impression given). Plus with any new large scale work opportunities arising in the Thames Gateway, more Bexley people may end up working to the east rather than in London, who knows. Bexley has some light industy and a relatively large local retail economy. Compare this with somewhere like Sevenoaks. Few urban settlements within moderately distance of London are truly self-sufficient without London commuting, but that doesn't make them all "London". f- Telecoms. Don't know about anyone else, but I think our FOOts Cray phone number was replaced with an 01- code at the same point in the 1960s as everyone else in London's. (I realise that due to the nature of the telecom lines, this is not a very precise measure, with bits of Greater London still outside 020 (Erith, Uxbridge etc) and bits outside within (Ewell, Loughton); but clearly there's a very good match with the Greater London boundary.) In terms of area, I think about 50% of Bexley has an 01322 (Dartford) area code, not London. Me included :-) Sidcup and Bexleyheath exchanges are 020, with Slade Green, Erith and Crayford assigned to 01322. So actually a majority of exhanges in Bexley are non-London? g- Geographically. Well, just look at a map- Bexley is a part of the built-up area of London, which should really settle the issue regardless of the above. So is Dartford (and within the M25) but is it London? I think "London" the label should be used for the middle part where residents identify with and want to be part of the London brand. I am happy to be part of any Greater London government area (assuming they work for Bexley and don't spend all the time dwelling on central London - something I suspect at present) and adopt some kind of compromise branding like "metropolitan Kent" to mean Bexley, Bromley, Dartford etc, but I don't want to be called a Londoner or be described as living in SE London - EVER! :-) I am sure there is a compromise here somewhere. I have missed out a whole section on one of the most important aspects though - planning and nightmare documents like the London Plan that read like a death sentence for the suburbs. Ken's phrases like "London has to intensify and increase housing densities within its own boundaries" I think is extremely dangerous talk indeed, given that the boundary is fairly arbitrary and has not been reviewed for some time AND given the fact that there' so much more space outside GL to develop rather than the tiny pockets of open space we have left within! But it's late so that'll have to wait for another time... Nick |
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![]() "Nick" wrote in message ... I understand why some people like London and understand why others like Kent. Each to their own. If you want to be part of London and enjoy what it has to offer then that's just fine with me, but don't deny my neighbours' and my right to choose our county affiliation. Hear, hear. |
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In article , Mrs Redboots wrote:
Peter Beale wrote to uk.transport.london on Wed, 12 Jan 2005: They're not tubes - they are cut-and-cover ("tube" traditionally describes the trains using the deep-level bored tube lines, not those like the Met and District built by scooping out a trough and subsequently covering it up). Hmmm - TfL now describes all of them as "The Tube"..... (something about when you're in a hole, stop digging?) Surely you mean "in a tunnel"? :-) Niklas -- "I always wanted to be a mad scientist, but never really got much past the faintly-annoyed alchemist stage." -- Mik |
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